- Agapoulaki Georgia
Supervisor | Panagiotis Dakoulas |
CV | |
Title | Passive soil stabilization against liquefaction: Experimental investigation of stabilizer permeation potential - numerical investigation of seismic response of stabilized soils and foundations |
Year | 2017 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
- Alamanis Nikolaos
Supervisor | Panagiotis Dakoulas |
CV | |
Title | Effect of spatial variability of soil properties in permanent seismic displacements of road slopes |
Year | 2017 |
Publications (Web of Science) | Alamanis, N., Dakoulas P., (2019), Simulation of random fields of soil properties by the local average subdivision method and engineering applications, International Journal of Energy Systems, Springer, (accepted). |
- Bareka Spiridoula
Supervisor | Emilios Comodromos |
CV | |
Title | Contribution to the response behaviour of pile groups under axial loading using numerical methods |
Year | 2007 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
Comodromos E.M. and Bareka S.V. (2009) "Response evaluation of axially loaded fixed-head pile groups in clayey soils', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 33, No. 17, pp. 1839-1865. Comodromos E.M. and Bareka S. (2005) 'Evaluation of Negative Skin Friction Effects in Pile Foundations Using 3D Nonlinear Analysis’, Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp 210-221. |
- Papadopoulou Mello-Maria
Supervisor | Emilios Comodromos |
CV | |
Title | Experimental and numerical response assesement of piles under lateral loading |
Year | 2011 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Georgiadis K (2018) "Design procedure for the modelling of jet-grout column slabs supporting deep excavations", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 100, pp 110-120.
Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Laloui L. GK (2016) "Contribution to the design methodologies of piled raft foundations under combined loadings", Canadian Geotechnical Journal. doi: 10.1139/cgj-2015-0251. |
- Siskos Ioannis
Supervisor | Panagiotis Dakoulas |
CV | |
Title | Seismic Behaviour of Hardfill Dams |
Year | 2023 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
- Stavrotheodorou Eleni
Supervisor | Panagiotis Dakoulas |
CV | |
Title | Advanced elastoplastic simulation of staged construction and impoundment of tall concrete face rockfill dams |
Year | 2015 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
- Vazouras Polinikis
Supervisor | Panagiotis Dakoulas |
CV | |
Title | Mechanical behavior of buried steel pipes crossing active strike-slip faults |
Year | 2013 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
Dakoulas, P., Vazouras, P., Kallioglou, P. & Gazetas, G. (2018) "Effective-stress seismic analysis of a gravity multi-block quay wall", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 115, pp. 378-393.
Sarvanis, G., Karamanos, S.A., Vazouras, P., Mecozzi E., Lucci A. and Dakoulas P., (2017), "Permanent Ground-Induced Actions in Buried Pipelines: Numerical Modeling and Experimental Verification", Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47 (4), 966-987.
Vazouras, P., Dakoulas, P., and Karamanos, S. A. (2015) “Soil–Structure Interaction Effects of Steel Pipelines Crossing Active Seismic Faults”, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 72, 45-65.
Vazouras, P., Karamanos, S., Dakoulas, P., 2012. Mechanical behavior of buried steel pipes crossing active strike-slip faults. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume: 41 Pages: 164-180. |
- Zormpa Triada
Supervisor | Emilios Comodromos |
CV | |
Title | Simplified three-dimensional method of piles under combined loading |
Year | 2017 |
Publications (Web of Science) |
Zormpa TE, Comodromos EM (2018) "Numerical Evaluation of Pile Response Under Combined Lateral and Axial Loading", Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 36 pp 793-811 doi: DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0354-1. |