

  • Agapoulaki Georgia
Supervisor Panagiotis Dakoulas
Title Passive soil stabilization against liquefaction: Experimental investigation of stabilizer permeation potential - numerical investigation of seismic response of stabilized soils and foundations
Year 2017
Publications (Web of Science)  


  • Alamanis Nikolaos
Supervisor Panagiotis Dakoulas
Title Effect of spatial variability of soil properties in permanent seismic displacements of road slopes
Year 2017
Publications (Web of Science)  Alamanis, N., Dakoulas P., (2019), Simulation of random fields of soil properties by the local average subdivision method and engineering applications, International Journal of Energy Systems, Springer, (accepted).


  • Bareka Spiridoula 
Supervisor  Emilios Comodromos
Title Contribution to the response behaviour of pile groups under axial loading using numerical methods
Year  2007
(Web of Science)
Comodromos E.M. and Bareka S.V. (2009) "Response evaluation of axially loaded fixed-head pile groups in clayey soils', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 33, No. 17, pp. 1839-1865.

Comodromos E.M. and Bareka S. (2005) 'Evaluation of Negative Skin Friction Effects in Pile Foundations Using 3D Nonlinear Analysis’, Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp 210-221.  


  • Papadopoulou Mello-Maria
Supervisor Emilios Comodromos
Title Experimental and numerical response assesement of piles under lateral loading
Year  2011
(Web of Science)

Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Georgiadis K (2018) "Design procedure for the modelling of jet-grout column slabs supporting deep excavations", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 100, pp 110-120.


Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Laloui L. GK (2016) "Contribution to the design methodologies of piled raft foundations under combined loadings", Canadian Geotechnical Journal. doi: 10.1139/cgj-2015-0251.

Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Konstantinidis GK (2014) "Numerical assessment of subsidence and adjacent buildings movements induced by TBM-EPB tunneling", J Geotech Geoenv Engrg, ASCE Vol. 140, No. 11, pp 1275-1284.

Papadopoulou MC and Comodromos EM (2014) "Explicit extension of the p-y method to pile groups in sandy soils", Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 485-497.

Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Konstantinidis GK (2013) "Effects from diaphragm wall installation to surrounding soil and adjacent buildings", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 53, pp 106-121.

Comodromos EM and Papadopoulou MC (2013) "Explicit extension of the p-y method to pile groups in cohesive soils", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 47, pp 28-41.

Comodromos EM and Papadopoulou MC (2012) "Response evaluation of horizontally loaded pile groups in clayey soils", Geotechnique, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp 329-39.

Papadopoulou MC and Comodromos EM (2010) "On the response prediction of horizontally loaded fixed-head pile groups in sands", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 37, No. 7-8, pp 930-941.

Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Rentzeperis IK (2009) "The effect of cracking on the response of pile test under horizontal loading", J Geotech Geoenv Engrg, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 9, pp 1275-1284.

Comodromos EM, Papadopoulou MC and Rentzeperis IK (2009) "Pile foundation analysis and design using experimental data and 3-D numerical analysis", Computers & Geotechnics, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp 819-836. 2015 Outstanding Paper Award


  • Siskos Ioannis
Supervisor Panagiotis Dakoulas
Title Seismic Behaviour of Hardfill Dams
Year 2023
Publications (Web of Science)  


  • Stavrotheodorou Eleni
Supervisor Panagiotis Dakoulas
Title Advanced elastoplastic simulation of staged construction and impoundment of tall concrete face rockfill dams
Year 2015
Publications (Web of Science)


  • Vazouras Polinikis 
Supervisor Panagiotis Dakoulas
Title Mechanical behavior of buried steel pipes crossing active strike-slip faults
Year 2013
Publications (Web of Science)

Dakoulas, P., Vazouras, P., Kallioglou, P. & Gazetas, G. (2018) "Effective-stress seismic analysis of a gravity multi-block quay wall", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,  Vol. 115, pp. 378-393.


Sarvanis, G., Karamanos, S.A., Vazouras, P., Mecozzi E., Lucci A. and Dakoulas P., (2017), "Permanent Ground-Induced Actions in Buried Pipelines: Numerical Modeling and Experimental Verification", Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47 (4), 966-987.


Vazouras, P., Dakoulas, P., and Karamanos, S. A. (2015) “Soil–Structure Interaction Effects of Steel Pipelines Crossing Active Seismic Faults”, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 72, 45-65.


Vazouras, P., Karamanos, S., Dakoulas, P., 2012. Mechanical behavior of buried steel pipes crossing active strike-slip faults. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume: 41 Pages: 164-180. 

Vazouras, P., Karamanos, S., Dakoulas, P., 2010. Finite element analysis of buried steel pipelines under strike-slip fault displacements. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume: 30 Issue: 11 Pages: 1361-1376.


  • Zormpa Triada 
Supervisor  Emilios Comodromos
Title Simplified three-dimensional method of piles under combined loading
Year  2017
(Web of Science)
Zormpa TE, Comodromos EM (2018) "Numerical Evaluation of Pile Response Under Combined Lateral and Axial Loading", Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 36 pp 793-811 doi: DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0354-1.